Might have something to do with the debt levels as well. Are they racking up debt to just meet their needs or are they racking up debt because they want to live their expected lifestyle.
It would be interesting to know.
I've seen some coverage of Gen Z having very unrealistic expectations about starting salaries, but I don't know how that's actually manifesting.
I remember my first corporate management job. Paid 50k a year plus a small bonus. I was thinking "big money". Then I bought a condo and at the end of the month after paying all my expenses I barely had $100 dollars left and I was not thinking "big money" anymore. But on the bright side a couple years later I had done well and been given more responsibility and had my salary up to 65k plus bonus and I had started my business as a side hustle and things were on the upswing.
The real world comes at you fast when you are young.