mental health is weird. some of the most confident people who get life done have no therapist. then you have the guy with little confidence who has a therapist double check his "thoughts and feelings for imperfections."
i guess some people feel safer exploring with a therapist, but i found some peace for myself after learning to exercise and eat healthier my energy came back to a level i could use to function. without endorphins coming from somewhere i was a lost cause. i learned to exercise and walk and it really felt like i found something i could rely on to center myself.
then i would read for some time to settle my nerves.
i did alll this re-finding my center because i was abused at work and i really felt shifted.
anyways a few years later and i hate therapy and coaches and feel great again.
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I agree with you - mental health is weird!
I have explored with everything and everyone! I found peace through connecting with nature, taking walks, being in silence and learning to accept myself fully!
I can't say I hate coaches... since I am classed as one! However, I don't teach what i know - I show you what you know and support you to put the pieces together.