What's the big deal if a few big banks and hedge funds get to front run the market?
The corruption is unbelievable at this point.
But Siggy, the banks are Too Big To Fail, so we have to give them every advantage possible!
(/s if if really needs saying)
They get the leaks anyways. This was just a more public leak. Haha.
The whole thing is rotten to the core.
You're probably right. This was likely more fair than usual!
I recall there being a "scandal" about stats being leaked earlier this year as well. Honestly, when you think about incentives its pretty impossible to avoid this type of thing. The issue is centralization of power and info.
It always bugged me back in the day when people would complain about campaign spending and their solutions were more rules. Its absurd when you think about it. In any other context the solution would be clear. Don't put all the jewels in one place. But people don't think when it comes to politics and government. They just act on their training. Like parrots.