I can’t seem to find any social media personalities that aren’t WILDY optimistic about their chosen project and it just comes off as shilling.
Occam's Razor suggests they're shills: celebrities aren't technologically sophisticated and all humans experience the self-serving bias, therefore it's hard to believe a celebrity endorsement of a technological phenomena. (aka, follow the money)
IMO, learn about bitcoin to the extent that it's useful/beneficial to you, but no further.
As you travel the rabbit hole, your worldview will likely be adjusted. You (we all) need to learn how to adapt your behaviors to correspond to that adjustment. In the case of many Bitcoiners, that has meant lowering their time preference and building businesses and networks that take advantage of the technological benefits of Bitcoin.
I believe that trading shitcoins to make money is immoral, but i don't believe that the technologies they explore are invalid.
Good luck.