So my initial foray into Lightning this morning was trying out federations via Mutiny wallet.
For some reason after joining Freedom 1 and receiving 2000 sats I was unable to send the sats out again to my Speed wallet. Mutiny kept reporting an error.
However I got around this by sending the sats to my Fedi Bravo wallet - again to Freedom 1, and then sending out to Speed wallet. Problem solved.
I then decided to test out Aqua wallet by sending 2000 sats from Speed wallet to Aqua where it is supposed to then flip the sats to Liquid. The transaction is still pending.....7 hours later.
Any of you guys had any problems receiving sats to Aqua via Lightning?? Thanks. ๐Ÿ™
Aqua works via Boltz and they sometimes have such hickups.
Thanks. ๐Ÿ™
What issue were you getting with mutiny?
Every time I tried to withdraw the sats from the federation to my lightning wallet Mutiny said โ€˜unknown errorโ€™. However it did allow me to send out to another user within the same federation.
Because cashus are not lightning. Did you try redeeming them for normal sats first?
Mutiny doesn't use cashu. When there's an unknown error that means we have an error in Fedimint that we aren't handling
Ok thanks. I sorted a workaround . Still learning the tech.