I earned about 250k sats in two months. That translates to about $200 in my currency. It helped me buy some groceries and order takeout, but I wouldn’t count on SN as a full-time job
My aunt with Parkinson's in the Philippines pays her caregiver $300 a month and she does EVERYTHING for her.
That would be pretty good money / workload compared to her job.
I guess that’s why Axie Infinity was such a huge hit in the Philippines. N how many people move out of the country to work as domestic helpers or even as teachers in the States
Yeah our biggest export sadly is human labor. Sucks especially when they get trapped in indentured servitude in places like Dubai. Great when they end up as nurses making 200k+ USD in California.
Wow! Congrats!
How much time, if you can calculate it for the sake of this question, you gave on daily basis?