I accidentally turned my ASIC miner off for a few hours and missed a block. That miner stole it from me. If they were good natured and honest, they would send me that block reward for my mistake. /s
If we could rely on people being good-natured, we wouldn't need bitcoin.
Furthermore, what is to stop me from claiming every txn I made was a mistake? In fiat world, you can clawback almost any payment if you make a big fuss about it. There's an entire industry of scammers who exploit "good natured" people, because fiat allows them to get away with it.
Hey, however you want to justify your disdain for the average human being...
Its not distain for humans. Its ultimate respect for protocols.
If someone disrespect the protocol, they deserve what the protocol decides is their fate.
You wouldn't be violating a protocol by sending it back. The person who sent it to you also wasn't violating any protocol.
Ultimate respect for decency and earned wealth should be the only protocol we care about. There's plenty of wealth for everyone to earn from now until the end of time.
Keep shaming me with your made up morals while I laugh from my citadel feeling 10BTC richer.
Imagine going thru life asking, "did I earn this?" What a waste of thought!
Respecting the protocol means understanding the consequences of every interaction.
If a thief gets away with it, they earned it. The onus is on society/network/protocol to catch them. And on the individuals to avoid becoming a victim.
They're not my made up morals, they're what set our species apart from the bottom feeders. They're a technology, not someone else's zero-sum thinking and shackles solution, which is what we bitcoiners are ultimately trying to move away from.
The only thing the thief has earned is a false sense of accomplishment and unless they divert all of their loot to personal security, they'll end up a victim of another thief or their own stupidity. They'll get theirs one way or another, just like the mooching fucktards in government.