Ya killing me I love Hamilton esp looking at him from a historical standpoint. I don't agree at all with all of his policies but things like the Federalist Papers and the way he solidified the unity of the country by combining all the states' debt into the US debt was just crazy forward thinking looking back at it now! His views compared to the lay of the land now is something I have thought about a lot because while he would likely be against something like crypto he also was someone who supported not only the US independence movement but that of Haiti as well which throws in the fun mental curveball!
Okay. Hamilton was a very bright guy. He also was a visionary when it came to the way the US could grow through commerce. He also was ahead of his time with his ideas regarding slavery. On the other hand, he loved the idea of centralization. He started the first federal bank, which thankfully failed quickly. I'm a Jefferson fan, but his ideas on an agrarian economy lacked vision. I love Jefferson for his fear of a strong central government. He really believed in decentralization, and would have certainly been a bitcoiner. Hamilton would be a liberal democrat.
119 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 15 May
Yeah he was a huge centralization guy which is obviously something I am not a huge fan of! Given how forward thinking a lot of crypto stuff is and how he did buck/get around a lot of centralization during his time with revolutions and other ideas I wounder what he would be like in today's day and age. It would be/is such a conundrum I find it to be a fun little brain game to play lol
It is fun. Of course, Hamilton died so young we don't know where he would have been politically later in life.