Amazing Points.. and i heard you loud and clear! I refuse to buy another apple product. When this phone dies, so will my attachment to them.. I'm completely off the celebrity train and actively participating in all BlockOut methods #ThankYouSoMuch
you might get a good laugh when I publish part two.. haha of my guide.
If you used email to join, this also works. Click your "Profile," then click "Settings," scroll to the bottom and paste your Silver key, "npub!" Congratulations!!! You are now verified! Give it a few hours and when you use your "main" client you should see a checkmark!
reply I’m verified LOL! OMGGGG thank u
there ya go, now spread your wings and fly
here's a litte previous
If this ain’t the truth! I love the Alice n Wonderland vibes #NothingButFacts IOS NEEDS YOUR HELP ASAP
After learning about apple…well, I expressed a little grief about it. As it can hinder future Nostr users
Ohhh you’re showing out now HaHa!! Yes!! I love it here
so you can now you say hey type this in "" instead of going through the awkward process of pasting your npub on their client