I'm not familiar with this conference, I recognize some names but I'm interested in this particular conference for a specific reason. Here are some of the talks being given:
  • The Future of Digital Assets in a Post-Spot-Bitcoin-ETF World
  • Tokenization Eats World: Why the Future of Financial Markets is Digital
  • AI Revolution: Inside Machine Learning’s Impact on Wall Street and Main Street
There's a lot of blockchain, web3, AI, digital asset, kind of buzzwords along with speakers from Coinbase and Solana: https://www.salt.org/print-agenda/2024-new-york
Now scroll all the way down to the last talk on Day 2...
Karl Nell has replaced1 original speaker David Grusch, yes this David Grusch: INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS SAY U.S. HAS RETRIEVED CRAFT OF NON-HUMAN ORIGIN
2024 is getting pretty interesting: #535961


  1. Archive link from May 3rd, you can see Dave was set to speak at 12:10 on Day 2: https://web.archive.org/web/20240503234846/https://www.salt.org/event-agendas/2024-new-york
Okay, so he has something to say that's been already said infinite times. Let's hear him.
Will he tell you anything that isnt already known?
I guess we'll see, he has an interesting record though: Source
Very interesting. I wonder how many top secrets he will spill by accident?