THat's great to hear. Thank you so much! Yeah for now I was just waiting to see if anything unfolded within the node.. but after a while I start questioning things and want to know why this is happening.
It's really weird that aren't force closing! how did you get to this conclusion?
wouldn't be better then to bump the fees as @TNStacker suggested?
In any case, the closing_txid is empty on all 3 channels (I did not delete anything else apart replacing the values on remote_node_pub and channel_point with hidden) and also the Uis (TH and RTL) does not provide me that info, so how can I (re)try to force close?
Because it's "waiting close", not "pending force close"
Since there's no closing txid there's nothing to bump
Use the command in my previous comment, the txid is the channel point and the vout is the :0 digit at the end of it (usually 0 but might be higher)
tried the one that has vout = 1 and...
[lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = cannot close channel with state: ChanStatusRestored
Gives you something to go on at least...
This is odd though since you didn't say it was a data loss / SCB closure, so its either the bug I mentioned before or something else altogether. You should take this to the discussion boards on the LND github to be safe.
My guess is they'll direct you here after further diagnosis:
Ok, this start to make sense now...
Also found this with the difference that it also has ChansStatusDataLoss so I assume the data on my side is not lost then 🤞
I'll update when I've any news
Thanks for now