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still, anonymous sites with anonymous ratings. no, thanks, do it without me.
Anon spends zero seconds understanding a thing and gets angry. The literal mascot of our times.
In my bio I have a link to a public node of the same name and 4 btc capacity, I understand more than an average bitcoiner. Did you, actual anon, read the disclaimer at the source, since you spent over 0 seconds? https://github.com/cashubtc/nutshell
Here it is:
Disclaimer: The author is NOT a cryptographer and this work has not been reviewed. This means that there is very likely a fatal flaw somewhere. Cashu is still experimental and not production-ready.
If you’re so smart then why is this so hard for you?
Out of curiosity I installed cashu wallet to a fresh ubuntu VM that had nothing else, with test MINT_URL=https://testnut.cashu.space as per the manual. Then I minted some coins WITHOUT PAYING THE LIGHTNING INVOICE:
Right there they demonstrate this is a scam. Cashus can be issued with no bitcoin backing.
You’ve proven nothing other than your own incompetence or malice.
I’ve lost interest in you.