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Changes Log
This lists the changes in the most recent firmware, for each hardware platform.
Shared Improvements - Both Mk4 and Q: 5.3.1 (Mk4) and 1.2.1Q is a hotfix to address multisig signing issue. No functional changes.
-Important Bugfix: Already imported multisig wallets would show errors when signing. This was caused by our internal change in key path notation from 84' (prime) to 84h (hardened). -Enhancement: Add Nunchuk and Zeus options to Export Wallet -Enhancement: View Identity shows temporary seed active at the top -Enhancement: Can specify start index for address explorer export and browsing -Enhancement: Allow unlimited index for BIP-85 derivations. Must be enabled first in Danger Zone -Change: Passphrase menu item is no longer offered if BIP39 passphrase already in use. Use Restore Master with ability to keep or purge current passphrase wallet settings. -Change: Removed ability to add passphrase to master seed if active temporary seed. -Change: Wipe LFS during Lock Down Seed and Destroy Seed -Bugfix: Do not allow non-ascii or ascii non-printable characters in multisig wallet name -Bugfix: Brick Me option for If Wrong PIN caused yikes. -Bugfix: Properly handle and finalize framing error response in USB protocol. -Bugfix: Handle ZeroSecretException for BIP39 passphrase calculation when on temporary seed without master secret -Bugfix: Saving passphrase on SD Card caused a freeze that required reboot -Bugfix: Properly verify signed armored message with regtest address -Bugfix: Create ownership file when generating addresses export CSV -Recovery SD Card image building moved into its own repo: -github.com/Coldcard/recovery-images -Bugfix: Reload trick pins before checking for active duress wallet.
Mk4 Specific Changes: 5.3.1 - 2024-05-09
-Enhancement: When providing 12 or 18 word seed phrase, valid final word --choices are presented in a new menu. -Enhancement: Move dice rolls (for generating master seed) to Advanced submenu. -Enhancement: Using "Verify Address" in NFC Tools menu, allows entry of a payment address and reports if it is part of a wallet this Coldcard knows the key for. Includes Multisig and single sig wallets. -searches up to the first 1528 addresses (external and change addresses) stores data as it goes to accelerate future uses worst case, it can take up to 2 minutes to rule out an address, but after that it is fast! -Bugfix: Constant AFC_BECH32M incorrectly set AFC_WRAPPED and AFC_BECH32. -Bugfix: Fix inability to activate Duress Wallet as temporary seed when master seed is 12 words. -Bugfix: Yikes when using BIP39 passphrase with temporary seed without master seed set. -Bugfix: v1 and v2 QRs too small and not readable (fixed) -Bugfix: Show indexes for full range of addresses we are able to generate during QR display. -Tweak: Force default HW settings (USB,NFC,VDisk OFF) after clone/backup is restored. -Tweak: Cleanup in NFC code: repeated messages, "Unable to find data expectd in NDEF", removed. -Tweak: Function button change from (6) to (0) to view change addresses in Address Explorer -Tweak: Function button change from (2) to (0) to switch to derived secret in Derive Seed B85 -Bootrom version bump: 3.2.0 released with no functional changes except those shared with Q.
Q Specific Changes 1.2.1Q - 2024-05-09
-Enhancement: Allow export of multisig XPUBs via BBQr -Enhancement: Import multisig via QR/BBQr - both legacy COLDCARD export and descriptors supported -Enhancement: Status bar text is sharper now -Enhancement: Added ability to write signed PSBT/txn to lower (B) SD slot when both cards inserted -Bugfix: Fullscreen display of v23 and v24 QRs were too dense and hard to read -Bugfix: Battery idle timeout also considers last progress bar update -Bugfix: Allow Send Password (keystrokes) of capital letters of alphabet -Bugfix: Pressing SYM+SHIFT was toggling CAPS continuously. Now toggles once only -Bugfix: Restrict keys that can be pressed during seed entry after final word inserted