Sure, these are all political issues. I'm also a supporter of the free market, but when we see others trying to manipulate and harm, in this case the Chinese market against the American and European ones, I think something needs to be done. Again, I don't know if raising import tariffs is the best measure, but something has to be done. Do you think nothing should be done? And should we let European industry, and especially German industry, go down the drain?
48 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 14 May
I think the EU commies are destroying it by themselves if You watch their energy policy and interventionism
I'm with you on the dangers of excessive intervention and regulation, but I don't think we should throw the baby out with the bathwater. Take the electric car industry, for instance. It's clear that China is out to dominate the global market, and their tactics are questionable to say the least. But does that mean we should just sit back and do nothing? I'm not convinced.