Whenever I see Brave New World being mentioned, Chapter 3 always come to mind for me. I was quite confused by the constant jumping around of different scenes in that chapter when I first read it. I didn't really understand why Huxley wrote it like that, but it was quite hard to follow during my read through.
Overall, I enjoyed the world building and plot of Brave New World. Another dystopian take on the future of our species that contrasts 1984. Brave New World uses genetic engineering, selective breeding/cloning, medication, pleasure, and introduction of broken morals when young to control humans; while 1984 uses surveillance, propaganda, brainwashing, and violence to control humans. Both very scary worlds and both serve as good cautionary tales to the consequences and destruction caused by central planning.
Both are tyrannical regimes with full government control, Brave New World describes the West while 1984 describes China. Both approaches rolled out under our own eyes with crises used as boosts to speed-up the full implementation of police states