Here comes ossification nonsense again. Need a solution for high fee spikes...
When fees are low people freak out about security budget. Fees are fine. Sometimes they'll be higher, sometimes lower. We don't need to change bitcoin every time the fees don't conform to someone's expectations.
1110 sats \ 1 reply \ @freetx 13 May
Wouldn't it be ironic if BTC added OPCODEs to help implement scaling solutions, but instead shitcoiners / ordinal makers just had a entirely new set of tools to play with so blockspace was 10x as clogged with new NFTs and scams?
Everything has tradeoffs and there is no magic bullet.
I prefer to keep the devil we know and figure out ways to create solutions without needed any additional changes.
Agree 💯
The emphasis on self custody scaling has gotten out of hand and is guilty of perfection is the enemy of good enough
Make changes slowly with a super majority and backwards compatibility
Miners get money from : newly minted bitcoins + from transaction fees. There will be less and less minted bitcoins. Transaction fees will be going up over the long term. That's a given. Second layers were always going to be necessary for smaller payments.
If you want almost no transaction fees, there are a bunch of shitcoins available right now. No need to wait!!
Bitcoin is about a hard first layer for savings and final settlement. Everything else is about second layers (and +). Otherwise, changes risk destroying the project, or worse, enabling government control.