My electronic devices require more resets and power naps than a toddler after a sugar rush.  Experts advise me to do a full shut down on my iphone on a daily basis.  The trouble shooting guides for my Roomba to my Alexa start with a soft reset and progress to the dreaded hard reset.  A soft reset allows the diodes and chips to forget today’s 1s and 0s, end the endless loops, stop stalled processes, and abandon current algorithms.   The hard reset allows the chips to wipe away weeks, months, even years of programming baggage.  The Roomba can forget kitty litter duty or the highchair jello apocalypse of 23’.  Alexa forgets you have a penchant for P. Diddy and R. Kelly. With humans the reset can be a bit more drastic.  The simplest soft reset requires a generous weekend helping of hard alcohol or drugs.  But overall it’s a very temporary fix that Mondays cancel easily.  A full human reset is a crispier proposition.  120 volts at 1 Ampere, for 20 minutes on 10 different occasions zaps you to out-the-box new.  It’s called Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).  It is a surprisingly effective treatment for severe depression if the interweb isn’t lying to me (might need to reset that to be sure).    As the Singularity approaches this author wonders, “is there a Ven overlap between removing power for charged friends and adding power for fleshy ones?”  I have an idea.  Daily affirmations.  Gving your circuits a pep talk. These can be used to ‘will’ your synapses or capacitors to any state of your choosing.  This isn’t new.  Lesser known advocates include Stephen Covey and Scott Adams.  Better known is Stuart Smalley who shared his wisdom with the world in the 90’s via his basement public access channel, “Daily Affirmations with Stuart Smalley.”  This self help is already programmed into the protoplasm bags that are us.  Now we just need to program self-help into our glitchy solid state friends.  After a hard reset. 
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