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I would posit to you two things: (a) The market has decided that Bitcoin is a SoV, not some random twitter personalities and (b) Attitudes change and new information comes in.
I think what really happened is that in 2014 -- in a state of naivety -- everyone was convinced Bitcoin was magically going to be this incredible payment tech that would destroy Visa. Then LN came along in 2018 and seemed to bolster this view.
Since then, the realization of scaling woes has hit everyone...and they now see that scaling Bitcoin to serve 7B people is technically impossible in its current form. Even though LN helps, it doesn't really solve any of the core scaling issues. Therefore, a new approach was needed.
This new approach comes with the notion that Bitcoin is currently serving only as a SoV, thus it makes no sense to loudly promote it as otherwise.
Likewise the market itself has chosen Bitcoin to be a SoV. People simply do not want to buy coffee today for $3 that will be $300 in 10 years time. Its not a rational investment choice.
This is an overly simplistic view.
SoV is a pre-requisite to MoE...
I personally came into Bitcoin as an agorist interested in MoE, but without SoV we may as well do that in an SQL database.
The correct framing is Act 1 vs Act 2
realization of scaling woes
There's been no such thing, a small cohort of shitcoiners and virtue signalers PROJECT scaling woes...REALity is that fees are barely 10% of the newly halved subsidy.
Bitcoin is money. It doesn't solve for people not having money.
It does however enable permissionless earning of money, but the middle bell curve can't process that's a task now for the shell and not the core.
small cohort of shitcoiners and virtue signalers PROJECT scaling woes
what you say has an element of truth, but that doesn't change the math.
There is no way to onboard the world with ~200 million transactions per year.
Depends on your definition of onboarding the world
Your math is also wrong, we can open a billion lightning channels per year with existing batching
1B txn per year
So 500M channel opens + 500M channel closes and no other onchain activity....still doesn't seem like enough?
Enough for what?
If you buy into the 8BN framing it's not a serious conversation, it becomes a divisibility issue long before it's ever a blockspace bottleneck. Dust will always be dust.
Just as there's not 8BN houses, 8BN refrigerators, or 8BN cars... there's not 8BN custodians. Families share things... nodes will be among those things: Lightning.Pub
Enough for what?
To act as a global MoE
What do you think the likely maximum number of active users BTC can support now (with batching and LN)?
100M individual active users?
Global MoE doesn't have a hard number, so you're speculating
How is a user defined? A lightning channel? Could batch a few billion over 5~ year hyper growth
But that assumes there's even that many people with assets
Reality is there's no technical ceiling in sight, it's a socio-economic ceiling of the golden billion who largely own equity and not money