General misallocation or an expression of the sad state of the German economy? With Alphabet, Amazon and Nvidia alone, three individual stocks are each more highly capitalized than the entire German leading index Dax 40. Of course, the big seven tech companies in the USA have experienced a veritable hype on the stock markets in recent years. But it must also be noted that it is precisely these companies that concentrate large parts of the economic energy of their respective sectors, develop a network effect and dominate the competition in a highly innovative way.
The only question is: what is happening in Germany? Is the country turning into an industrial museum, with the memory of innovation, patents and the art of engineering slowly fading? It almost looks that way, as there can no longer be any public debate about the failure of this policy in recent years. German politics has fallen into the trap of auto-suggestion and is now all about the climate complex.
my mom used to rent rooms out in the bay area years ago...typically for 6 to 12 months. a common scenario was a young german man or woman, having come to work for google as an engineer. in fact it was common enough that she developed a relationship with some person at google HR who would refer her as a housing option.
makes me think now how she was seeing the concept of brain drain happen before her...not just of say national brain drain from Germany to US, but moreso the brain drain from any engineer and their skills going into a US tech company instead of some other innovation or valuable economic activity.
Germany still has many fine companies. BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Bosch, and Siemens. There are more, they just arent as big as some of these usa companies.
Are German youth still interested in engineering or has there been a generational culture shift?
Germans were told from a young age that engineers emit CO2 so they brushed it off to focus decarbonizing the world
Two thoughts come to mind with this: the US has a big tech bubble going, and Germany is the leading indicator of deglobalization.