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The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
🚨🚨🚨There seems to be a widespread SOL exploit at play that's draining wallets throughout the ecosystem
Here's what you can do right now to best protect yourself
  1. Go to >Settings on your @phantom wallet
  2. Trusted Apps
  3. Revoke Permissions for any suspicious links
Not your keys not your coins 🤯...
oh wait a minute 🤣🤣🤣🤡
Kudos to correct use of emoji in title 👍
What could be said at this point? Absolute dumpster fire.
What a disaster. You cannot safely hold that even with your own keys. And probably people will still use it. So much harm due to ignorance.
NOlana ;)
Just press this button to confirm that you permit an updatable smart contract to perform any operations with all your assets: [🤡]
(not only on Solana, by the way)
Lol this is the type of news I love waking up to a shitcoin self inflicted L is the best shitcoiner tears around
It seems that about $5M to $10M has been stolen. To put in this into context, NOMAD bridge was hacked the other day and $150M was gone.
Solana exchange rate is down 2% today at the time of writing
NOMAD bridge?
Oh, they mad alright...
The cope in the failing Discord servers must be unreal tonight 🤣🤡
Solana is an absolute disaster that operates on something called "mainnet beta" Imagine putting your money into shitty beta software.
Da fuck? How can a blockchain be in beta but widely available for absolutely anyone to put money into?
right? it's absolutely wild that exchanges list something that calls itself beta. shitcoin casino's do not care about their customers.
We are working closely with other teams to get to the bottom of a reported vulnerability in the Solana ecosystem. At this time, the team does not believe this is a Phantom-specific issue.
As soon as we gather more information, we will issue an update.
Hmm Solana hack seems to:
-Not be via program(contract) -Have hit a few wallets, but not many major ones -Not just be Phantom
My best first guess would be some sort of shared library had a malicious update that is letting the tx sign once a wallet is unlocked.
I can’t believe I’m sending my fund from a “non-custodial” wallet to my exchange account just to protect it. Good job #Solana 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻
There's also been evidence of this issue affecting ETH users, although it seems less widespread.
There's an ongoing attack targeting the Solana ecosystem right now. 7000+ wallets affected, and rising at 20/min. Because it's very early and the attack is ongoing, there's a lot of misinformation and speculation. So here are a few thoughts and clarifications.
So far more than 8000 wallets and ~$580M were stolen by the following 4 addresses.