This is chapter 19 of The Final Product, you may want to go back to Chapter 18 or start at the beginning.


Something in Jane's head told her that the loving wife would race to her husband's side, and welcome him back from the dead—for so she had thought he was. But these were all fantasies and she knew it. The truth was that she had gotten used to living without him. It is hard to adjust to a spouse who is no longer dead.
When she did finally go out, it was to keep a meeting with Leider.
‘I love what you’ve done with this part,’ said Leider. ‘The competition between these two guys is really great, and I like that it’s not really made overt, or at least, they don’t admit it to each other.’
Leider would have kept going, but it was clear that something was bothering Jane.
‘Hey, are you doing okay?’ he said.
Jane was usually quite reticent. She did not volunteer details about her life, and sometimes had even withheld her thoughts and feelings from Franklin. Yet somehow, with Leider, she found she could hardly keep herself from talking. She told him that she was married and that her husband was John Franklin, and how she had thought he was dead but now he was back, and how the Association or the government or someone was keeping him somewhere. She even told Leider how she felt about seeing her husband again. And that she wasn’t sure she wanted to.
‘You can’t just never see him again,’ said Leider.
Jane nodded. She knew this.
‘But if you don’t want to be with him anymore, tell him. Move on. You won’t be the first couple to divorce.
‘I’m not saying I want a divorce,’ she said. ‘It’s just been a long time. I’ve changed. I’m afraid he has, too. What if things aren’t the same?’
‘I think what you’re really afraid of is that things will be the same.’
‘What?’ said Jane.
‘Come on, Jane,’ said Leider. ‘Listen to yourself. You’re not actually in love with the guy. The way you describe him, he’s basically a cardboard cutout. I mean, you haven’t even mentioned him once in all the times we’ve been meeting.’
This took Jane aback—many things Leider said were like that for her. Like a breath of fresh air, only a little too gusty so that sometimes he made it hard to breathe.
‘I think I should go find him,’ said Jane.
‘What’s the point?’ asked Leider. ‘Even if you do, it’s not like they are going to let him go. These are some of the most powerful people on the planet, and he knows way too much. He only gets out when they want him to get out.’
‘But I can’t just act like it’s no big deal, like he hasn’t come back. I’m his wife!’
‘You don’t love him. You don’t even like him. You are writing everyday, you’re life isn’t bad. Why kick a sleeping dog?’
Chapter 20 tomorrow, same time, same place.
I am new at SN. Can you share the links your all chapters list together?So I can injoy this.
I made a post with all the chapters for the first book in this series (The Universal Good Deal), I still haven't put up the one for the second book (Who Brought the Steak Tartare?). I will make one for this book once it is concluded.
In the mean time, if you click on my bio and go to items, it will list all the chapters in reverse order. Here's a link to Chapter 1
Glad you enjoy it!
What! It's quite suspense now! 'those powerful people! Now wanna read next one. This is getting interesting and more interesting day by day. Great job