It depends on the industry and the size of a company.
Take Boeing for example. Their reputation is at an all time low. That will hurt their bottom line and market cap.
If they treated their employees well, I dont think they would be having so many problems...especially whistleblowers.
The whistle blowers were killed.
Boeing downfall started when it merged with McDonnell Douglas in 1997. MBA candidates replaced engineers especially in quality assurance.
A lot of great companies have been destroyed by MBA graduates 🎓 who have no industry experience and rely on spreadsheets, power point and textbook case studies
I always thought MBAs are kind of useless. All the engineering students talking about getting their MBAs were usually the students that communicated well but were very bad at theory. My experience, take that with a grain of salt. Whistleblower did suicide, didnt you get the memo?
MBA is useful for finance and private equity. Useless otherwise.
Suicide? lol 😂
He was murdered. Second one was murdered Same lawyer