Five lessons I learned from a lazy developer.
Why spend hours on manual work when you can write a script that completes the same task in seconds?
Lazy developers value efficiency.
They find clever ways to automate repetitive tasks, saving time and effort.
Lazy developers embrace the DRY principle: Don't Repeat Yourself.
They understand the importance of code reuse and modular design.
The goal is to build a solid foundation that can be easily maintained and expanded upon so they can make their lives easy.
Lazy developers prioritize testing.
They hate doing repetitive manual testing or relying on human intervention for every task.
Instead, they invest time in writing automated tests and continuous integration systems.
Lazy developers don't like to be "On Call".
They want to enjoy time with family or gaming; some even touch grass.
Instead, they watch their system, and when they discover something bad, they fixed during the work day so they don't have to worry later.
Lazy developers seek to improve.
They hate reinventing the wheel and looking for existing solutions before starting from scratch.
To accelerate development, they leverage on:
  • Libraries
  • Frameworks
  • Open-source projects
Being lazy as a developer isn't about being idle; It's about working smarter, not harder.
What kind of developer are you (or want to be)? 😉
oh whoa cool. What projects are you working on? Anything within Nostr?