Was just about to say the other 96% must not own Bitcoin.
I think this has also more to do with lifestyle than finances in some cases. A lot of people make grand plans when they retire (travel the world, take up a hobby, buy a boat etc) that never come to fruition and they find their daily lives aren't that much different other than the fact they don't work so they are bored.
I have seen this first hand in my parents. They had planned to go to Florida every winter to visit my aunt, niece and her kids but only went once in the past 10 years after my dad retired. My dad said he wanted to go to Hawaii, he wanted to go visit the rock and roll hall of fame in Cleveland but put all these things off for years (we will do it next year) and then my mom's health took a downturn around 5 years ago and now she has limited mobility and they say they can't do these thing because she can't get around. Then my dad's health started to fail him last year so now major trips are out of the question for both of them. Don't get me wrong, they don't have bad lives- they have a great house with a wonderful backyard that they like to sit in and work on, they have lots of friends in the neighbourhood and get to see their grandkids a lot since we moved close by 2.5 years ago. They have good, comfortable lives but I don't they would say they are living the dream of what they thought they would do upon retirement. Probably many such cases.