Stuff is poison but have to admit I do love me some high fructose corn syrup laced cereal.
I buy the fancy real sugar cereal, when I want to indulge.
What brand is that?
I like this stuff. They have it at Costco.
I will keep an eye for it at my local grocery stores. We only have 30k people in our town, which is not bad for a town, but Costco has not graced us with their presence yet. We had a costco membership but the closest one is now an hour a way so we didn't bother renewing.
It's pretty expensive if you can't buy the Costco sized bag.
Have you tried that magic spoon stuff?
No. I'm not a fan of weird keto food science products.
There used to be a grain-free granola at Costco, that happened to be keto friendly, that I did like. I haven't seen it in years, though.
Was just curious because I heard about it as a healthy alternative to cereal so I was thinking about trying it out. I don't eat a lot of cereal but a couple times a week I will indulge.