Can you explain it here so that everyone (including me) understands it?
I think he means that the top filter, due to the algorithm, looks different from stacker to stacker. To define winners I think it would be fairer to use anon mode.
Good suggestion. I'll start doing that.
No, not a good suggestion. When you do anon way, it will then show you the same results. May be because of your IP.
Here's the anon result on my mobile. They show the same results as with my nym
The result is the same as my anon
edit: The ranking with your nym is the same as with anon because you zap few sats and it shouldn't make any difference to the algorithm.
Oh. Okay. As territory owner, I wonder if my view is more objective.
I think it's better we ask this to @k00b, or @ek.
Does the territory owner/admin gets personalised rankings or global rankings?
You beat me to it!
Haha! I'm a speedy asker. Always willing to put my words of futile wisdom on the line. šŸ˜œ
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 10 May
No, territory owner is just a regular stacker
We want to make top use global ranking for everyone. I assigned that to me but I forgot about it. Will do soon!
Ahhh! So, we are democratic in our vision for SN! No Elites! No matter you spend 100k every month.
First of all, I think you know it and just being humble to say 'including me'.
Here's my explanation (that's what I think about it)ā€”
Zaprank for posts on SN isn't same for everyone for various reasons. One reason is that they are personalized as @k00b mentioned it here #503564
Another reason that I mentioned is more related to the algo of SN. (Idk too much of it). I remember that one of our senior devs have mentioned somewhere that the global rankings for posts differ from personalized rankings. SN uses both in its algorithm. So, if I am sitting in India, I will see different ranks for posts than someone who is sitting in US or Europe.
Also, it depends on your personalized taste. The zaps you made and engaged with the posts.
I only have no clue for this ā€” Does the territory owner/admin gets personalised rankings or global rankings?
The word consensus that I applied in the comment above means that a post may have had some more regional engagement than it did globally.
Global consensus = global zaprank
Regional consensus = regional /country/personalized ranking
I'm not an expert, so if you find it misleading or incorrect, I beg your pardon.
So, if I am sitting in India, I will see different ranks for posts than someone who is sitting in US or Europe.
I've never read about this being the case, nor does it make any sense. But I could be wrong.
cc: @ek


a post may have had some more regional engagement than it did globally.
As now clarified, it stands that SN doesn't consider geographical locations for deciding zapranks. It's just personalized and global consensus that ultimately decides what rank a post sits under the results for 'TOP'.
Thanks. I think I'll take @0xbitcoiner's suggestion and log in as anon next week. I just have to remember. I'm a little slow in the morning before drinking my gallon of coffee.
Interesting. I think we need to get input from @k00b.
Territory founders have a personalized view even of their own territory. We intend to not personalize top given it's such a source of confusion, but until we announce we've changed it, it's personalized.
Our personalization is very gentle. Most stackers won't see much difference between global and personal.
Yes, I remember you mentioned earlier that personalized results are making a bit of confusion, so you intend to change it for global.
You're also right that it's a gentle personalization. However in my case, I get different results more often.
But, I understand it (may be) like I'm from India and if my post gets zapped from Stackers based from my country, which is actually a possibility as recently I've referred at least 7 or 8 from my friends, I think my post will get to show me higher rankings personalized to me.
So, does the regional engagement has something to with the algo for zaprank or personalized results as well?
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 10 May
We do not consider geographic location in rankings.
Ahh! Thanks for clarifying. So, I was just wrong about my assumptions for geographical locations for zaprank.