
When you are born, in a state hospital, it is referred to as your birth or “berth”, which is carried out by a “doctor”; however the word “berth” is a shipping term, within maritime or mercantile law.
Note: Doctor means “Dock-Tender” a person who “attends”, or “functions” at the dock. They are “docking a vessel” meaning the birth of a baby from its mother’s water.
The term “berth” means when a ship or vessel has left its allotted place at a wharf or dock, which is usually conducted by a “doctor”.
So the date of “berth” is when your name was registered with the system and recorded by the “doctor”, who works for the “shipping company” within commerce using mercantile law.
When asked what is your date of “berth” they are asking for the date your mother or “vessel” was “berthed” at the “dock” and delivered the “cargo” meaning you.
It would be advisable to question this and ask them “do you mean when was I born?”
Note: When you are unwell, you “dock into harbour”, a doctor will offer you a contract of illness, and if you accept will enter into an agreement to buy drugs. You have now “contracted” an illness and are in debt to the doctor for the drugs.