I've been worried about the repercussions of blinded routes to be used for enforcement instead of privacy. You could indeed do that with blinded paths, it's not a bad idea, and you can still take a reasonable fee on it and enforce it. While staying non-custodial and atomic.
One thing we're looking into at Mutiny is a way to do multiple pubkey locked ecash notes. I think someone could create the an ecash contract that goes to two outputs, one to the service and one to the recipient. If you had a lightning invoice be the funding of that, then it's effectively a payment split.
I've been saying this for awhile, but I think ecash is a way better experience for something like Stacker News. And with fedimint federations, whether SN is a member or not, it's a much more favorable position to be in.
One thing we're looking into at Mutiny is a way to do multiple pubkey locked ecash notes. I think someone could create the an ecash contract that goes to two outputs, one to the service and one to the recipient. If you had a lightning invoice be the funding of that, then it's effectively a payment split.
Cool. I feel like this kind of programmability is something we currently lack in L2! But we've gotta make it eventually. At least I hope so.
I've been saying this for awhile, but I think ecash is a way better experience for something like Stacker News. And with fedimint federations, whether SN is a member or not, it's a much more favorable position to be in.
I might agree with you. I'm mostly trying to get us to a position where we can begin experimenting with these things. Perhaps one type of attached wallet we'll have is a built-in ecash wallet. Stackers will have to backup the privkey to that, but why not.
I think is better than fee credits SN is switching to but is it practical to program?