What hard assests can Japan buy, though? Just real estate? Realistically speaking, will they actually get into bitcoin? It is such an old generation, and an old way of thinking.
real estate?..with a declining population?? the property becomes a liability at that point.
pretty much. Lots of real estate will become freed up. It wont be worth so much anymore.
japan got no economy. Whoever came up with the idea that a young working class japanese citizen must support 7-10 elderly citizens must have failed in math. Japanese people also don't die, but have the longest lifespan by country than anywhere else in the world, so.. Numbers don't lie.
The family will see a great comeback as form of social security
They will have to change their ways, but they are a resilient people. Actually, they have the longest royal dynasty in the whole world.
the trend is your friend until the end. Any new trends in japan lately? Other then inflation exploding?
They still do the baggy socks trend? lol
you tell me?>
I think they do a cool plaid style, last time I checked. I feel it is missing here in the usa, only lumberjacks use it lol