Some people find spiritual comfort in Alan Watts. I turn out to be more a fan of Nietzsche...guess I'm just different.
Always more upright learneth it to speak, the ego; and the more it learneth, the more doth it find titles and honors for the body and the earth.
A new pride taught me mine ego, and that I teach unto men: no longer to thrust one's head into the sand of celestial things, but to carry it freely, a terrestrial head, which giveth meaning to the earth!
No longer can your Self do that which it desireth most - create beyond itself. That is what it desireth most; that is all its fervor.
But it is now too late to do so; so your Self wisheth to succumb, ye despisers of the body.
To succumb - so wisheth your Self; and therefore have ye become despisers of the body. For ye can no longer create beyond yourselves.
And therefore are ye now angry with life and with the earth. And unconscious envy is in the sidelong look of your contempt.
"The Despisers of the Body"
both from Thus Spake Zarathustra