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The actions of the DOJ are not by chance but by design: the objective is not to combat crime but to drain liquidity from crypto tools that make it possible for individuals to escape the traditional financial system.
From a historical perspective, the US government’s erratic behavior should not come as a surprise: when the economy is plagued by unbearable debt and wars spread like fire, authorities tend to tighten financial controls. The US is no exception. In the distorted minds of tyrants, nobody must be allowed to preserve their wealth by exiting the incumbent financial and institutional system: the ship must sink with everyone onboard.
Fantastic article. I didn't expect it from Mises, though I am a huge fan of the org. They summarized my thoughts exactly.
I love how they see the connection to ETF approval. They only want bitcoin they can control.
Mises.org guys are generally pretty good on bitcoin, at least on the podcasts I listen to. A lot of gold bugs there but when Bitcoin is mentioned it's usually favorably.
I love how they see the connection to ETF approval. They only want bitcoin they can control.
Absolutely! Can they do to bitcoin what they did to Gold? Will the ownership/control of utxos be banned in the future, or am I overreacting?
That’s because they assume that you are a criminal if you have something to hide. It is guilty until proven innocent instead of innocent until proven guilty.
They want to know what you do, what you think, and for you to have to ask permission. They are control freak psychopaths.
In the distorted minds of tyrants, nobody must be allowed to preserve their wealth by exiting the incumbent financial and institutional system: the ship must sink with everyone onboard.
I dunno if that shows they hate it. It shows they aren't intent on defending freedoms, though.
we will correct them! they work for us!!!
I know what you mean but they don't work for us. They SAY they work for us. They work for their managers, not the plebs. They are our enemies. Not because we want them to be, this is their choice. We want to be left alone. We want to see everyone free and prosperous. They do not work for us and that fact is clear.
I have news for you. If you can get enough of their constituents to write them, you can get them to do what you want. They work for us. We don't exercise our power because we let them bamboozle us into thinking others like us are the problem.
Key word. Enough.
You are right though, but they don't work for us. They work for themselves and if people stand up/revolt/remove support they will listen provided there aren't better offers elsewhere because they work for themselves.