“No army can withstand the strength of an idea, who’s time has come” Victor Hugo on ord
Thought about trying to do a long post for this one but don't have the time or any in depth knowledge of the eurodollar or OP_RETURN for that matter :D
I’m not even going to pretend that I understand the Euro-Dollar Market or that I truly know the ins and outs of Inscriptions and Runes, I’ll leave that for you to fully research, but what I do know is they are both hella confusing.
Can’t help draw comparisons between these two creations, in that they sit outside of the rules and regulations of the original system (Dollars and Bitcoin), and both seem to be creating ‘value’ from thin air and there’s nothing you can do about it.
And before you say “It’s all been done before, look at colored coins” - Bitcoin wasn’t as valuable back then as it is today. There wasn’t as many marketplaces and infrastructure for this kind of stuff like we have today with exchanges etc. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Inscriptions and Runes haven’t even experienced a bull market yet.
People love to throw money around.
Ordinal theory is a scam targeting cryptobros and inscriptions are a software vulnerability of Bitcoin Core. It's not really that confusing.