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The end of a comedy can sometimes be bizarre. In convulsive scenes, viewers are shown the ephemeral banality of their own existence. The Germans are currently experiencing a special kind of political comedy. In a country where people believe that they can wage war against the resource king Russia without having any significant resources of their own and where people, at least among the political caste, believe that the world is coming to an end due to man-made CO2, the step towards infantile socialism has generally been taken quickly.
Now it seems that, after the German president's trip to Turkey, where he brought a kebab skewer as a gift, German politicians have discovered this apparent Turkish culinary delicacy for themselves. And as always, it is of course all about interventions, subsidies and manipulating voters. Subsidies are to be paid in view of the rising prices for culinary goods invented in Germany.
There is even talk of a kebab price cap, it couldn't be more bizarre, but it is after all the SPD, one of the three socialist coalition partners of the German government, that is peddling this nonsense and adding another chapter to the German comedy. Four billion euros are to be spent on the fun, which is intended to protect consumers from the very inflation that the same politicians have initiated through debt creation and their countless dull initiatives. Always financed by the printing press. A comedy that is no longer a laughing matter!
If the kebab price cap gets introduced, kebab trade will have to move to the dark web.
hahah, undercover cops nabbing people selling luxury kebab above rate cap, carefully putting the kebab into evidence bag for the coming trial
' put it down! the kebab, put.it.down!'
63 sats \ 1 reply \ @clr 9 May 2024
Kebab and circus.
Panem et Dönenses
If German president comes to India next time, we will gift him a samosa maker.
Let's save the people from the mess we ourselves have created! 4,000 million to put caps, haven't they yet learned from history that caps don't work? In what kind of universities have these guys studied?
My first thought was that maybe there should be some reciprocation for the people in Turkei who love bratwurst or sauerbraten but then I thought, if Germany continued to support industrial manufacturing instead of Capitalism with E.U characteristics, maybe they wouldn't even have the president posing in an apron carving meat with a cleaver.
This post would have fit better in the ~lol territory 😂
Looks like....
Yep, its absolutely nonsensical, for we truly don't have any other problems besides the price of a kebab---A true German's main food staple...
Humans, can't live with -nor without them...
Didn’t Germany decommission their nuclear power plants to move to renewables and then when that didn’t work out for them they start burning coal?!
The article reads like satire. 😌 Steinmeier's photo adds a lot to that feeling.
It should have been a 2 EUR price cap to complete the image.
And by the way, the image couldn't be more ridiculous.
That's their really stupid commie clown president
"Als Reaktion auf die Döner-Inflation möchte Die Linke eine „Dönerpreisbremse“. Ein Vorstandspapier, das von Kathrin Gebel, der jugendpolitischen Sprecherin der Partei, eingebracht wurde und dem „Stern“ vorliegt, legt fest, dass der Imbiss zukünftig nicht mehr als 4,90 Euro kosten darf. Die Mehrkosten, die dabei entstehen würden, solle der Staat übernehmen. "
My translator says that Green people want to cap at 4,90/kebab for 'young people' and that this should be funded by the German taxpayer.
Surely young people can crack a few eggs in a kitchen?
German people paying for the ineptitude of the government/banks by putting caps on a kebab, this is laughable and pitiful at the same time.
But that's the intellectual level of german politics...
I actually believe these politicians are really smart, and they know exactly what they are doing. They are posing/acting in front of a crowd that, they are convinced, is not their intellectual equal. They naturally think they can fool and gaslight us as they wish. Unfortunately, most people still can't see that the King has no clothes.
No. Most are dumb