The end of a comedy can sometimes be bizarre. In convulsive scenes, viewers are shown the ephemeral banality of their own existence. The Germans are currently experiencing a special kind of political comedy. In a country where people believe that they can wage war against the resource king Russia without having any significant resources of their own and where people, at least among the political caste, believe that the world is coming to an end due to man-made CO2, the step towards infantile socialism has generally been taken quickly.
Now it seems that, after the German president's trip to Turkey, where he brought a kebab skewer as a gift, German politicians have discovered this apparent Turkish culinary delicacy for themselves. And as always, it is of course all about interventions, subsidies and manipulating voters. Subsidies are to be paid in view of the rising prices for culinary goods invented in Germany.
There is even talk of a kebab price cap, it couldn't be more bizarre, but it is after all the SPD, one of the three socialist coalition partners of the German government, that is peddling this nonsense and adding another chapter to the German comedy. Four billion euros are to be spent on the fun, which is intended to protect consumers from the very inflation that the same politicians have initiated through debt creation and their countless dull initiatives. Always financed by the printing press. A comedy that is no longer a laughing matter!
#KebabLivesMatter #SubsidizeIt #TaxpayersUnite