Your telling TheWildHustle.
Was recently trying to orange pill TheSister, Hustle was on his hands and knees begging her to take his corn, but in the end, was thrown "Oh yeah, well what if they cut off the internet".
Was recently trying to orange pill TheFather, Hustle watched as the light left his eyes and a snore escaped his mouth.
Early on Hustle was going door to door to spread the good word.
0% success rate freaks. 0%.
You have to pick your battles. No matte what, it is hard. People know about bitcoin, they hear it on the news all the time.
Was trying to orange pill a normie and they told me "Bitcoin is money for pedophiles"
Mainstream media is really helping Hustle's stacking goals.
Thanks Rachel Maddow.
When are people going to open their eyes? I feel this generation is just putting their head in the sand.
"Bitcoin is money for pedophiles"
Me: That’s the US dollar actually.
Very true. Look at all the politicians using fiat.