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Successful politicians base their power on the charismatic delivery of pretty lies.
The United States is a country of immigrants. Some of us are the children of immigrants. Others their grandchildren or great-grandchildren. But the only reason any of us are here is that someone born elsewhere chose to move to this great country. And a big part of what made this country great is that when newcomers arrived, we welcomed them, we worked with them, and we had children together. American children.
Now I ask you, when this great country first welcomed your ancestors, was it a sacrifice? Was it charity? Were your parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents a burden on this country? Of course not. They showed up with big American dreams — and big American drive to make those dreams happen. It’s thanks to our courageous ancestors who forsook the Old World that we’re Americans today.
I love Caplan and generally share his sentiments about immigrants, but I don't think he's right about this being the correct policy to call for.
It's very similar to the issue with central bank monetary policy, where the issue isn't that the policy is too tight or too loose. The problem is that there's a government policy at all.
"Open borders" could just as easily be called "forced integration", while "closed borders" are "forced segregation". Both violate freedom of association.
The solution is to respect private property rights and individuals' freedom of association.
The solution is to respect private property rights and individuals' freedom of association.
I think I miss something. How is this against open borders policy?
The conflict comes from other state policies that force Americans to do various things:
  • pay for roads, schools, hospitals, etc. that immigrants can't be excluded from,
  • provide your business services to immigrant customers, under anti-discrimination laws
  • hire immigrants, also under anti-discrimination laws.
The list would be longer if I thought more about it, but I think you get the idea. It's along the lines of Milton Friedman's "You can have open borders or a welfare state, but you can't have both."
American taxpayers don't get to choose not to interact with immigrants, the way they would get to choose if their property rights were respected.
In a private property world, we wouldn't have open borders and we wouldn't have closed borders. What we'd have is, those with permission from the relevant property owners can enter.
See, how absurd is she? Spreading fear, feeding the evil, and, hey, some germans are rapists too, you know that? She and her party just fit perfectly to the story Caplan told.
Caplan doesn’t live in Germany
It’s a mistake to generalize immigration globally
Yes, exactly! It would be great if you could stop with this your what-about-ism and comment only if you have something to say to what Caplan says.
Caplan doesn’t discuss disproportionate crime committed by immigrants from various countries.
Citing statistics is not a crime. Also free speech 🎤
she wrote: “Afghanistan refugees; Hamburg SPD mayor for ‘unbureaucratic’ acceptance; Welcoming culture for gang rape?”
Where do you see any statistics? It’s hate speech! Maybe ok in your world, but no, it’s not ok, it’s unacceptable.
Click on the link for statistics 📊
Incitement of hatred should not be a crime. She did not incite violence.
She was not charged with libel or slander because her hate speech has a kernel of truth, empirically
I share lots of the same feelings regarding "govts have no right to restrict travel"
But you can't have open immigration and welfare at the same time (now they are adding to it, saying that immigrants will also be included in ObamaCare). The whole thing is a recipe for a currency crisis.
Caplan knows we can’t have open immigration and welfare.
He has changed his opinion because Trump became president.
Caplan is trying to romanticize illegal immigrants from Latin America by comparing them to Jewish immigrants who passed through Ellis Island
Government cannot restrict travel unless Russian.
Borders are absurd unless it’s Ukraine.
Name any complaint you’ve got about immigrants. I’ve heard them all. They’re the same complaints naysayers had about our ancestors.
The complaints about illegal or undocumented immigration is relatively new and unique to Latin America
This is true. But when you become American, you should provide to the system, not depend on it and leech from it forever. Coming to America to better your life is a good thing, and I have always believed in this. But if you are coming in illegally and leeching, it doesnt make sense. Especially when you complain about it.
And not to be cynical, but it seems like a majority are like this now.
Definitely for The most recent batch , 2021 and later
Yeah, and it isnt helping here either. You think they will start making camps like they did for the japanese during ww2?
I wish but internment camps will never happen for undocumented immigrants.
The goal is to give them citizenship so they can vote Democrat in perpetuity
Democrats don’t care about the immigrants. They only care about their potential ballots
Victor Davis Hanson: We need an immigration timeout. That would mean an end to open borders and illegal immigration, but also a reduction of legal immigration to somewhere around 250,000 diverse, self-supporting, educated, and pro-American immigrants admitted on meritocratic criteria who can be quickly integrated into the U.S. body politic
@south_korea_ln posted something similar about open immigration and Caplan
Emphasis on old world
Latin America is not the old world
Neither is Gaza