Bitcoin is 15 years old already. Considering the validity of the idea of absolute digital scarcity, you would think after all this time it would have much greater adoption and recognition than we see now. Sure, the Internet took a while to spread through the world, but the Internet itself enabled exchange of information and ideas at the speeds never seen before.
So, why exactly it's so hard for Bitcoin to penetrate the minds of the uninitiated? The memes are a viral pieces of information that rapidly spread, multiply, and evolve. One of their defining characteristics is how easy for them to latch on to a new mind. The best memes are the ones that are culturally relevant, easy to remember, and emotionally exciting.
Bitcoin is the opposite of that. It's so far out from the conventional wisdom that to truly understand it, you have to consciously dedicate multiple hours of research into various "boring" topics, such as history of money, geopolitics, economics, game theory and so on. Without this work, the information on Bitcoin is simply filtered out as irrelevant. That makes Bitcoin an anti-meme. The idea itself is valid. However, its viral potential is extremely low. Sure, when you're already deep in the rabbit hole after hundreds of hours of studying it, you get absolutely obsessed, because you see how fundamentally disruptive this idea is. But on the surface, Bitcoin feels like a Ponzi scheme, a scam, or just too good to be true. The brain rejects the outrageous idea, and the transmission is stopped dead.
But the world is changing. More and more people realize how broken our money are. The nation-states, the corporations, the plebs - they are all shifting the "Conventional Wisdom" to Bitcoin, and that's why one day it would be obvious in hindsight.
But not yet, and I'm happy to have found Bitcoin, and you, the plebs, so early 🧡
This is why we say "Everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve." It's extremely non-obvious and those who had the vision/courage to get in early earned the gains they've made.
Eventually, it will become obvious that bitcoin is valuable and that's when mass adoption will happen.