Do you think raising the age is easier than means testing? I would have assumed the opposite.
What testing? Cause we have already seen numerous other countries start raising the age
Sometimes you'll hear people propose things like "no social security for people with more than $X in assets."
That seems like the most politically viable strategy to me. You're the one rubbing elbows with congressmen though, so maybe that's not really being considered.
From what I understand there already is something along those lines already in law. Granted I think it is for the 0.01% like the Warren Buffets who are the affected ones because there is something about being able to make money and drawing on social security that essentially if you make to much money you don't get social security there is like a chart of diminishing returns if that makes sense
There's an income limit on paying into social security, which indirectly affects eligibility. Rich people don't pay in and therefor never become eligible to withdraw.
However, people who did pay in become eligible regardless of their wealth or other income.
There is an income limit?
I know if you wait you get bigger payments.
They gave everyone covid shots. Everyone is supposed to be dead in a few years anyway.
You had me engaged until that... as someone who has survived 3 neurosurgeries but is now immunocompromised during the height when the shot first came out it was worth it and saved millions of lives. Unless you don't think someone like myself deserves to live.
Which if you do then yikes I will pray for you because that's an awful way of not only thinking but living your life.