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I saw @bitcoinplebdev's post that he has implemented it. Is it being used, but just not merged into the main NIP list?
Yeah I had heard similar reports and seen screenshots showing that some implementation of polls has been live on nostr clients but I've as never able to find an example and saw nip41 as the furthest along proposal.
Figured it would be better to just implement it and start propagating these events but yeah as @k00b mentioned it seems like the PR is stale now...
It's an easy 2-3 line change IF there is another poll spec that makes it into a client but right now it seems that not that many people are interested in making it happen.
Gotcha. I had a kind of fun, funky idea of doing awards profiles on nostr using polls. So, like, a 2023 profile that posts best sci-fi book of 2023 poll, best non-fiction book of 2023, etc. And then folks vote with zaps. Keep track, and build a frontend for showing and filtering on years, winners, etc. Might create a lot of noise though.
I don't see the drawback of enabling it. Could it introduce hellthread type threats?
I'm not sure. I thought I saw it on one of the nostr clients, but then I didn't see it in any of the NIPs in the official list. So, I wasn't sure. Mostly, I'd like to implement it on a client myself, but wondering where the "rules" are for implementing. I suppose nostr is still a wild west, so I should just use another client as an example. If anyone knows of an open source one I could look at for inspiration, that you be awesome. Otherwise, I'll start poking around.
It looks like the status of the PR is pretty stale: https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/148
Yeah, bummer. But, it seems like you could like pull it off? just maybe some clients won't support it.