We're not a twitter-feed like nostr client so we don't show any of that. It's primarily for contacts and paying/receiving from them.
Yes, that's what I was guessing after I played around a little. BTW, so far so good as a Phoenix replacement.
Primal went all out with both feed and wallet. We went with our own spin. Would you rather less or more social functionality?
Personally less social. That may be because I'm really not a heavy nostr user right now. That may change. Also, what do you think of the prospects of Mutiny as a go to SN wallet once the change is complete?
Which change? the SN migration away from custodianship? Yeah, Mutiny works with the NWC connection, though every now and then there's a few quirks with it from our experience, though I imagine that'll improve as it becomes kind of a requirement.
Yes, that's what I meant. Thanks
Having a way to mark some Nostr contacts as favorites could be nice. I follow lots of people on Nostr I'll never send money to or ask for money from outside of zaps.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @tolot 7 May
Jumping into the conversation just to say that Mutiny is great and I think that the social features are enough at the moment. At the end of the day Mutiny is not a Nostr client. Brilliant work
Thanks for that feedback!