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Whirlpool: Samourai Wallet CoinJoin Implementation
Part 2: PreMix, PostMix Stages
Further clarification:
  • Some Whirlpool coinjoins typically select 2 fresh inputs from Tx0s and 3 already mixed inputs from previous coinjoins
  • The fresh inputs from Tx0 are responsible for paying the fees.
  • Inputs that have been previously mixed receive unlimited free remixes.
  • Example (check the link): Two fresh inputs are 0.05014520 BTC; the other inputs are exactly 0.05 BTC.
Next posts: Part3: ReMix Stage Part4: Anonymity Sets Part5: XPUB and Blinding Issues
Since Samourai collected the coordinator fee in the premix transaction, they managed to rug pull the users waiting in the premix queue when their coordinator went down.
Can you link part 1?
I need pictures because I am slow
I will follow you on Twitter as well