They're not called ring signatures, they're called "bulletproofs"
No, I definitely know how Monero works.
Monero uses ring signatures to hide the true spend in each transaction, while Bulletproofs are a form of zero-knowledge range proof used to hide transaction amounts while still allowing them to be verifiable.
Both are core to Monero's privacy, but are different.
Right a combination of Adam Back's proposal called "confidential transactions" and "bullet proofs". Thought you guys lumped them together and just called it "v2" or something.
The implementation of confidential transactions in Monero is called "RingCT" because it's implemented as a part of the ring signature construction, so you're definitely on the right path with that thought :)
Note that bulletproofs are a drastically more efficient way of handling the proofs in confidential transactions and are just a part of them.