I’m an avid advocate of Gen-AI tools. They have helped me plan my lessons in fuss-free ways.
These days, I’m preparing my students to write a personal recount for their upcoming exams. Connectors of sequence become an indispensable tool they should employ to enhance the flow of their writing. Unfortunately, it is not intuitive for many of them to write connectors like first, then, after that, lastly. So, I must engineer their thinking process.
Monday was a hectic day, but I did have 20 mins to scramble around. I was adamant to plan an experiential lesson for the first period so that I could teach my students to incorporate connectors of sequence during the second period.
With nary a second to waste, I hustled with a calm state of mind. First, I copied and pasted two comprehension passages on Gemini Bard to prompt it to elicit five nouns, five verbs and five adjectives.
Next, I found an online word cloud generator and inputted all 15 words.
After that, I prompted Gemini Bard to present all 15 words and their corresponding meanings nicely in a table form.
The bell rang at this point, and off I sauntered to class.
The activities involved movement, so I believe the students were suitably engaged.
I subsequently guided my students through the planning process.
3 things you can get AI to do
1. Surface target vocab
2. Make word crowd
3. Make vocab list
AI is the oasis that helps parched souls milk out a bit more productivity!
Do you get to play games in your classes? They always wanted me to play a game, it was called typhoon.