oh by laws in this instance i am referring to natural law rather than anything explicitly defined in a legal system / constitution / etc. the former is self-evident, the latter requires some kind of authoritative body to enforce and so is circular and self-defeating: you require a group of people capable of enforcing violence to protect you from, uh, people enforcing violence.
so for this reason i don't typically find political discourse to be all that compelling or useful. i am not too interested in voting on who gets to steal from me via taxes. advances in technology that tip the incentives towards freedom and property rights do far more for humanity than anything discussed in the houses of parliament. this is why bitcoin is so fascinating to me: it's a self-contained system where all the laws in my utopia are upheld.
i suspect we agree on most things, my original comment was worded poorly.
I asked for the most thoughtful response - I think because you came back to clarify your original comment means that you were questioning yourself and came back with more thoughts on what you believe to be your utopia and that is why I paid the bounty to you :)
welcome :)