I see the world differently. I don't believe that something scarce is more valuable and I believe that most scarcity is created by humans through greed and the desire for power.
I agree that humans love scarcity although this is because they love abundance.
If something is scarce and we have it, then we hold a certain level of power - we feel special.
Take the white pebble - if you have it and your friends all have black ones, you feel slightly taller.
The love for scarcity comes from the feeling we get when we are in abundance - we create scarcity in order to strive for that feeling.
My issue is doing it at the expense of others. We shouldn't make others suffer in order to make ourselves feel better.
Personally, I create my own scarcity which leads me to abundance. Gratefulness, not 'things' creates this. The less I have, the more I see; the more I see, the more alive I feel. I don't feel abundance from 'things', I feel it through experience.
The person who truly chose the black pebble (and not through a sense of duty or unworthiness) understands this. They still get that feeling of abundance, from knowing that they gave the white pebble to someone else, seeing the joy in their eyes. They know that the white pebble doesn't hold more value than that of the black, even though there was only one of them.
The problem arises because you get a much quicker 'hit' from creating scarcity for others to create abundance for yourself. You don't need to put in any of the hard work that comes with being grateful, looking inwards or creating your own scarcity. It's much simpler to follow the herd of sheep and believe what we have been told to believe.
It relieves you of any responsibility too - 'I did it how they told me and it didn't work... it's their fault'.
The problem arises because you get a much quicker 'hit' from creating scarcity for others to create abundance for yourself.
It's sad and a reality for sure but isn't it the human nature?
For the rest of your arguments, I feel that we are on the same boat. It's just that I'm talking about scarcity is inbuilt in human nature, and you're of the view that we can create it.
Personally, I create my own scarcity which leads me to abundance. This is as same as— Scarcity creates abundance by making things desirable. (My view)
I feel like we are doing the best team work on the topic of scarcity and abundance.
It's sad and a reality for sure but isn't it the human nature?
Is it, or have we just been taught that reaching for the easiest/quickest option is the 'best' one?
I feel that we are on the same boat. It's just that I'm talking about scarcity is inbuilt in human nature, and you're of the view that we can create it.
The very reason that we create it, is because it is inbuilt. We need scarcity in order to have abundance, just like we need sadness in order to feel joy, and cold in order to feel warm.
My next comment is not aimed at you but at those who create abundance through creating scarcity for others...
It's lazy to say that we do these things because it is 'human nature'. In fact it is an excuse used in order to seemingly get away with treating people in an unkind way in order to get ahead and grab the white pebble.
We are on the same page, we are just using different wording.
I feel like we are doing the best team work on the topic of scarcity and abundance.
I agree! And thank you for taking the time to discuss it properly with me :)
With all my beliefs I despise anyone who holds the view of creating scarcity for others just for getting ahead.
Creating own scarcity is legit while creating it for others is just shameful and heinous.
I am also grateful for everything you added and enlightened on this subject.
I wholeheartedly agree!