Every time I see your name on a post, I know I will have to sit down and just take a break to read what you wrote. Your perspective is interesting, if people werent so obsessed with material possessions. Do you remember during covid, the toilet paper runs? Wtf were people storing toilet paper? lol
Ha... when I was writing this, one of the things that popped into my head was the toilet roll saga, along with pasta!
A story was created to make us believe that there would be a toilet roll shortage which in turn made people afraid that they would have nothing to wipe their butt! They flew down to the shops to get said toilet paper and bought more than they needed because it wasn't going to be there long. And then the story became true... because people stock plied it - not because there was ever a shortage! Do I agree with what they did - no. Was it genius - yep.
The same thing happened with masks and chlorox wipes. I just dont understand people. There is enough for everyone if they arent greedy. It reminds me of that game/experiment played with kids. With the dollar bills in the middle, if they take turns they can have an infinite amount of money, but if they hurry and grab the bill, they will only get what they can take.
I just dont understand people.
Maybe my answer to the comment above yours may help?
It reminds me of that game/experiment played with kids.
What did they choose?
After the kids tried it a few times, they all took turns to take a dollar from the middle. In theory, they would have earned an infinite amount. Kids can be quick lol
In my experience, kids are a lot wiser than adults!
Most kids havent fully developed the greed and other factors yet.
ooooh... a question for you!
Why do you think that is?