Con: The ZBD guys are actual thieves who will rug users and never respond to customer service (and no, andre still hasn't replied). Take their sats, sure, but transfer them out ASAP.
FWIW, I use Fountain on its own (not within ZBD), and have never had issues getting sats via promoted podcasts or even sometimes when just listening to my "normal" podcasts. I'm on Android if it makes a difference.
I finally found out how to make Fountain work. But it took lots of perseverance. I'm so sorry for your problems with ZBD customer service. Which wallet do you recommend? I can give it a try and make a review about it
I'm glad to hear about Fountain! I really do like it as my podcast player of choice, not just because of the sats.
I actually use about four different wallets to try to reduce the risk of losing too much at once, though Alby and Strike are the custodial ones I'm using the most these days.