This was very interesting episode. Some very good economics disaster porn.
Wumbo rating 18 out of 21
Timestamp: 00:00 - Introduction and the Potential of Bitcoin as a Global Reserve Currency 02:18 - Challenges Faced by the Bank of Japan 06:08 - The Impossible Trinity and Japan's Monetary Policy 23:13 - Bitcoin as a Potential Global Reserve Currency 26:18 - 28:16 - 29:29 - (cont.)Bitcoin as a Potential Global Reserve Currency 32:46 - Financial Repression and Central Bank Manipulation 36:36 - The Role of Central Banks in Propping Up the Financial System 43:24 - The Trend of De-Dollarization and the Rise of Gold as a Reserve Asset 50:50 - 59:06 - Bitcoin's Potential to Solve Global Economic Dilemmas