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The opinions on the question seem to diverge, depending on the source. While MSM (not so firmly anymore, but still) believe that πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ will/can win, the alternative media landscape seem to have reached a different verdict.
What do stackers think?
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 34.3%
πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί 22.9%
None of the above22.9%
I don't fucking care! 20.0%
35 votes \ poll ended
All wars are banksters wars. Who is falling for that trap is a moron that do not understand how this fucked up world function. Stop taking sides, is useless and you will always be a victim.
πŸ‘agreed Wars are retarded
I'm not sure who's going to win, but I know who will lose. All of the people on both sides that will be missing friends and family members because of the actions of those in power.
Exactly correct. The Russian and Ukrainian people will lose. Boeing, Ratheon, and Lockheed Martin will win.
So true.
According to credible independent estimates, 500k to 600k Ukrainians have lost their lives, and approximately 1M are injured. (Official numbers are suspiciously low, ~35k deaths)
Here's a quote from a blog post I was reading today:
Few yet understand that the extent of the losses to Ukraine is already more severe than the generational losses England suffered in the first and second world wars.
Very sad, if true! πŸ˜ͺ
I tend to believe they keep the numbers artificially low to justify the plundering of Western citizens. Every dollar that is stolen from us and our children to fund this war is matched with at least the death of one Ukrainian or Russian soldier. They won't stop until we're all dead...
I'm very unfamiliar with this blogger? he kinda reminds me of the anti-war podcast. Do you tune into those?
Such a rare find to be so empathic! what kind of solution do you have in mind? When so many individuals or at least claim to be individuals fight for their countries cause? At the end, normally awarded a plack with their name on a little little space.(when the wars over typically and many years later)
You mean πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ vs. πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί ?
losing, while not ideal, is an option for the coalition backing Ukraine. Losing does not seem to be an option for Russia and its current regime. So, i do believe eventually Russia will win that war
Russia will gain territory. Ukraine is losing manpower. People are fleeing. Zelensky cares about himself only
Sad, but true.
They have lost already, both countries are exhausted with hundred thousands killed... And everyone who earned money on this already won. So nothing new, right? When you can't milk this anymore sides will sign a peace treaty and call it a day.
Israel wins.
None of the above
Financially the USA
Nobody ever wins in a war, one side just loses less.
This question is kind of fucked up!
Russia attacked - there is no win - just a fucking attack!