Ingredients for the two-ingredient natural yogurt recipe:
1 liter of whole milk, preferably pasteurized 1 glass of full-fat natural yogurt (170g) Method of preparation Pour the whole milk into a pan and heat over medium heat until it starts to boil. Turn off the heat and stir with a spatula. Let the milk cool until it reaches a temperature of 45 degrees Celsius. If possible, use a cooking thermometer to check the temperature. If you don't have a thermometer, wait for the milk to get warm and test it with your index finger. If you can keep your finger in the milk for 10 seconds without burning yourself, the temperature will be ideal. Add the natural yogurt and mix well to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Cover the pan with plastic wrap, wrap it with a tablecloth, and place in an enclosed space, such as a turned off oven or microwave. Let the yogurt rest for 12 hours. Ready! Serve and enjoy your delicious natural yogurt made with just two ingredients. Enjoy! In conclusion, this natural yogurt recipe with just two ingredients is a healthy, delicious and easy option to prepare at home.
The same recipe we use--only addition I'd make is to put a few large plastic bottles of hot water in the microwave to keep it all warm while it's "brewing"...
(And you can get by with less than a full cup of "starter" yogurt, but a full cup will work just fine).
Why do you boil the milk when its pasturized anyway? I'll do it the sameway but only heat up the milk to 45 degrees celsius.
Fantastic to read this post, my grandmother prepared this for me when I was a child... It's time to put it into practice to share with my daughter and teach her how to do this.