Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Im waiting for the music thread to open. I have some interesting songs I want to post lol
oh man, just being away for half a day. I show up and I am not on the leader board anymore
Today is a new day :)
In the end I ranked 91. Not great, but I didnt post much. Days like this happen.
Hello! I'm back, and I'm bringing with me my new Noob Lightning Review. I've been sick lately so I had to postpone it a little bit. But I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed doing lots of research to bring a really complete review for you!
Today so called society reached its peak IDIOCY:
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 6 May
Darth would you rather run into a tax collector or a shitcoiner in the woods?
hahaha good question. I think a shitcoiner. Is easier to convince him to use bitcoin. A tax collector is just a "orders follower" so is useless to try to convince him to use bitcoin.
Never underestimate the universe's ability to surprise you with even more idiocy.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 5 May
A slave of the fear of being judged for his thoughts!
10 sats \ 5 replies \ @jeff 5 May
@k00b, @kr, @ek, how am I supposed to pay monthly fees, if my balance can't go higher than 99999 sats?
I get an error when topping up to 100k. My wallet currently has 99999 sats...
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 5 May
Hit the pay button and an invoice will pop up
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @jeff 5 May
Which page? Does it work on mobile? I don't see a "pay" button. Let me toggle off auto-renew (?)
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 5 May
It’ll work on mobile. When your territory is due, you’ll get a notification and it’ll have a pay button.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @jeff 5 May
It's due in ~1h. Is there some kind of grace period? I'm out of the house right now.
Yes, grace period is 5 days iirc
87 sats \ 9 replies \ @k00b 5 May
I have the strangest relationship with food. I have no trouble not eating, for days even, but if I do eat I don’t want to stop until I’m 100% full.
The same here. Also, here in my country, there's a tradition that wives only eat food either with their husbands or after them. So, wives force husbands to eat, no matter you're hungry or not. 😂
In summer, I only eat once a day and I've been practising this for more than 10 years now. My health has no impact whatsoever. It seems that by eating less frequently but by drinking more frequently, I feel healthier and energetic. It's also a truth that in the past 10 or may be 20 years (actually, I don't remember) I've not fallen ill or been diagnosed for anything serious.
If there's some mild issue, I know a bit about Ayurveda and Yoga, and I always get back to normal again within sometime.
Hustle has been eating steak eggs and fruit for 4 days. The wife is impressed, but it’s pretty fun and easy.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 5 May
I have the strangest relationship with food.
You are not alone! My relationship with food is quite similar! 😁
do you make it a point to chew you food very well?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 5 May
I've noticed a marked change in my life, as someone who used to very consciously chew the hell out of my food, that I've gained wait, and started eating a lot more, since I stopped chewing my food very well. And it wasn't until reading your post that I realized that this is what is going on. All my friends knew I was the slowest eater, and would generally be the last to finish any meal. I haven't thought about it in a while. My recommendation is that you make it a point to chew the hell out of your food. Don't let yourself swallow unless you've made every bite of food into a liquid. Update me in two weeks. (I'm going to start doing the same!)
one of the interesting theories I had read is that humans used to just need to breath, drinking and eating was started for pleasure, but as time went by, now eating 3 times a day, because the body adapted to that way.
What! Can we just go back in time then?
I mentioned Breatharianism at brunch today!
Day 11 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
99 days of 100 push ups a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go. 95 days of 100 squats a day until $100k down. Undetermined to go.
i prefer dips, due to better mechanics on the joints, i'll join u this week, using rings )) 100 eh, may have to break it up morning-evening 50/50
Most of us break them up. I like the idea of incorporating dips.
Day 139 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 302 sats on 4May2024! Running total: 89,133 sats!
17 sats \ 0 replies \ @flat24 5 May
Today is Sunday with family🥰
Day 100 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 5x25 normal/narrow Total: 125 (Day 204 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 103 of 120+ pushups per day)
I still use phoenix in the US, it's amazing, however I'm having trouble finding a wallet to recommend when onboarding new merchants. Any suggestions?
heading to the farmers market soon to hopefully spend some sats.
I’m going to Disneyland with my family. Star Wars rides with my boys!
He has been recently behaving like a classical conspiracy moron, indeed. This Musk’s quote is often used by conspiracy apostles. But sure, no need to wash hands, who can see bacteria on them, right?
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @gnilma 5 May
Good morning stackers.
Day 98 of 100 push ups till 100k completed.
Shilling my weekly hiking post. This week we head to Alexander Falls in the middle of winter. Yes, another frozen waterfall, check it out.
Today is also race day. I will be running my 5th marathon today; it is one that I'm least confident and most nervous about, because I'm out of shape and did not train enough for it. At this point, I'm just aiming to finish the run without injuring myself. Wish me luck.
Next week we celebrate the end of the third year of Bitcoin Brunch in Miami with #156. It will be part of a Bitcoin Vortex starting Thursday with Understanding Bitcoin Source and Miami BitDevs and Saturday Bitcoin Day Miami. Monday after tomorrow we have the Broward County Bitcoin meetup, and finally my friend's open mic where several venders will be accepting bitcoin!
I practice tai chi predominantly the Yang style and I teach a class on Sunday mornings. I’ve been learning since I was 20 - I’m now 45 but I have only recently begun to use online platforms to promote myself.
The internet has really opened up the chance to find high quality tai chi from around the world and see what other practitioners are doing. As it’s such a vast art there can be a lot of different approaches and different skills that result.
If you’re a practitioner feel free to comment and let me know what you practice and who your influences are . Thanks. 🙏
I really enjoyed the tai chi classes that I took in undergrad. I've fallen out of practice, but it did permanently change my body mechanics, so in a sense I'm also constantly practicing.
💯 yep I know what you mean, once you get the basics down it can become a daily practice even just in the way we stand, walk, sit etc.
I have long been curious to try a Tai Chi practice.
Day 42 of my daily posting journey, keeping my hat on. previously: #529060 🤠⚡

31 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 5 May
BTC GIF everyday til the halving. Day: 16

Tick tock, next BLOCK

93 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 5 May
Sunday relaxation mode: On... ☕️👓📚🎼🧘‍♀️
The fee goes nuts again.
¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo Vacueros!
Stack Sats and Stay Humble
Pancho Villa and his Crew
I'm not an expert on Pancho's history, but I know he's a very controversial figure. Some people see him as a hero, while others view him as a villain. Maybe it depends on which side people are on. If I'm not mistaken, he was the only one who attempted to invade the United States of America, right?
Correct. General Pershing, of WW I game got his reputation during that conflict. Pancho is a hero from the Mexican side. In my opinion the American story is likely propaganda.
Good morning stackers. Got a zany idea. If this post gets 1000 sats I’ll reveal the idea and put it into action.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 5 May
I am in
31 sats \ 3 replies \ @Nadia 5 May
If it is a bad idea, are going to give the sats back to stackers? 😁😁
That’s the risk you have to be willing to take. But if you know me it usually means I am parting with my sats in some way
60 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nadia 5 May
Just joking. 🙃 I’m sure it will be a good one.
😂 good for some not for me
Hello everyone! I hope you are having wonderful Sunday's? I was working on creating my tree realm yesterday and found myself creating this:
52 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 5 May
That's the one fruitful tree with the fruit named Bitcoin 🌳
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @Nadia 5 May
The tree of Bitcoin! 🌳₿
the realm of the tree(in my world) is the one that connects all the other realms together - I found myself linking it to the way bitcoin is intended and then created this as a visual representation
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 5 May
Are you talking about America's completely unaccountable "intelligence community"?
Sotoshi Nakamoto did exactly that!
426 sats \ 27 replies \ @Lux 5 May


It is often quoted that you should give respect to people or just “respect others”. However, the correct term is consideration and not respect, as respect has to be earned over time.
The origin of the word respect comes from the ancient Latin word “respectus”, which is the combination of the prefix “re” meaning “back” or to “redo”, and the Latin word “specere” meaning “to look at”.
This means that over time you “look back at” the actions of someone and make a judgement, and if their actions are just, you can give your respect to them.
When you meet someone for the first time, you give them consideration whether or not to give your respect, making you “considerate”.
Once your judgement has been reached, and you find the person to have good qualities, you may then give your respect in a feeling of admiration, or in honour of their achievement.
Respect must be earned over time, and not just given away.
What about giving respect to your parents and elders in your family. Do they also be taken into consideration or should they earn respect before actually getting it.
I'm mostly agree with today's Wordplay or word knowledge except for the thought that I just mentioned. Kindly enlighten further if I've missed on something.
21 sats \ 3 replies \ @Lux 5 May
What about giving respect to your parents and elders in your family. Do they also be taken into consideration or should they earn respect before actually getting it.
before age of maturity, father and mother are guardians, and must obey them. after it's your freedom and responsibility. afaik
What about giving them unconditional love and respect without consideration?
32 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 5 May
respect without consideration?
it's not respect. respect is to look back at previous actions and act accordingly
Ahhh, okay!!
I get it now. Sorry arguing for nothing. This is clearly mentioned in your definition. If parents want respect they should so earn it by taking care of their kids in the best possible way they can.
Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.
— unknown
131 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 5 May
You got my "respect" for this meaningful information.
I really appreciate this breakdown - the amount of times I have been told that I should "respect" a person and asked why? I am happy to be kind and show them consideration however I will respect them once I feel I want to, and I have taught my kids the same thing. I have to earn their respect, I cannot just expect it.
121 sats \ 0 replies \ @Natalia 5 May
Respect must be earned over time, and not just given away.
this, same goes to attention and trust.
The origin of the word respect comes from the ancient Latin word “respectus”, which is the combination of the prefix “re” meaning “back” or to “redo”, and the Latin word “specere” meaning “to look at”. This means that over time you “look back at” the actions of someone and make a judgement, and if their actions are just, you can give your respect to them.
But I’m Asian. The cultural norm here stipulates that I must treat my elders sincerely, out of respect. N tbh, I expect my students to regard me with deference, out of respect too. Haha
Is this respect that you are giving and receiving or is it a certain type of behaviour that you are expected to abide by?
Respect must be earned over time,
EXACTLY that I told to a judge once. He said something "you have to respect people in this room" and my answer was: "first they need to EARN my respect... and they didn't do anything about that but the opposite".
It was 1 min of silence in the room.
31 sats \ 5 replies \ @Reign 5 May
Leave it up to Darth to try to make a judge respect him. Lol
121 sats \ 4 replies \ @Lux 5 May
31 sats \ 3 replies \ @Reign 5 May
It helps when you get a shite judge like that. Guy didn’t even know his own court room.
221 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 5 May
wow the perfect answer ! This man is a chad. Stand your ground, do not let them fool you. Ask the right questions and they will let you go free.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 5 May
Just like the constantly most zapped comment in here is a copy/paste. The whole site is fake asf.
41 sats \ 4 replies \ @Nadia 5 May
Judges are inclined to force you having respect for the others, that’s why it was 1 min of silence in the room.
I don't think respect can be forced.
13 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 5 May
I agree, but judges think they can.
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @Reign 5 May
They circle jerk the Darth. It’s ok.
Plus fisting
53 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 5 May
judges must feel the force
🤣 legend
Continuing the conversation from yesterday, my son n I watched someone read “Polar Bear, Polar Bear, How Do You Hear?” on YouTube. After that, I got him to make this simple poster on Canva. The template is all available, and he just had to type some rhyming words. Just another way to get him to learn some words without force feeding haha
Let's see if your son is going to become a rapper ;)
just a little joke lol, that's a good way to learn, and he knows how to use Canva and everything, it's amazing.
nice! Canva is a wonderful tool! I ended up doing a spelling bee with my kids yesterday whilst we were driving and guess who lost? Me!!!😂
121 sats \ 4 replies \ @suraz 5 May
Rest in peace!! 😉
that made me laugh way more than it should have 😂😂😂
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 5 May
Me too when i saw it 🤣
That’s ok, it’s healthy 🙂
laughter is always healthy isn't it?!
Day 386 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
you are most definitely a committed snail poster 😂
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Direction instead of speed, the lesson that the snail share.
Snail check?
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @orthwyrm 5 May
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Yeehaw. Just like the good ol’ days of the Daily Discussion thread..
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184 sats \ 3 replies \ @Natalia 5 May
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Pretty and well thought out shell! My hack is to leave the soap in the drain until it dries 😂
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21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Reign 5 May
Straight up posts in the saloon. Site is shit.
deleted by author
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 5 May
but you are the one who chooses your own path.
But you have chosen the right path!
What I'm trying to say is there is no right or wrong
It feels like you do say exactly this, at least, this is how I read your first point and "screen successful life"-thing. Do I read it wrong?
as long as they are happy. 👀
Totally agree. It is fine that sometimes we change paths during our lifetime. If we think another path is good and maybe better, we should go for it. Circumstances change. What is not good is to not do it and be the rest of your life wondering how would have been and if it would have been better.